I can't believe Julia is already a whole year old! I still remember throwing her baby shower, seeing that cute newborn face and squeezing those adorable arm rolls that went on for days.
Megan decided on a classic Minnie Mouse party with polka dots, handmade tissue pom poms and yummy cupcakes (no pink). It was a lot of fun for the kids with a craft table and a surprise guest appearance by Minnie Mouse herself!
Here's a peek of a sweet afternoon.
Playing "hot potato" awaiting the surprise guest.

Hi Minnie!!
Happy Birthday to yooouuu...
This is what happens when you try to take photos of a bunch of kids...This is reality.
Happy Birthday Julia! I love you so so much! I can't wait to spend lots more birthdays with you and watch you and your big brother grow up together with little Levi. Please don't grow up too quickly. Be still my heart. <3
oh my, I am just dying at how cute this birthday is! Perfection for a little girl!
This party is awesome! Love the attention to detail. Oh and the ruffled romper is adorable!