
Thursday, April 30, 2015

{Personal} Lyla's Birth Story

Now that our Lyla girl is 5 weeks old, I think it's about time I share her birth story. It took me quite a while because I didn't want to forget anything and the photos that I am sharing are snapshots from the video footage we captured (which is why they may be a bit grainy).  Enjoy

Pregnancy: I found out I was pregnant toward the end of July 2014. Brandin and I talked about having another little one for a couple months during this time but left it in God's hands. Sure enough, I took a positive test soon after. When I showed it to my husband, we both sat on the couch together with big smiles. We were really excited and I felt at peace with our newest adventure ahead- becoming parents of multiples.

Throughout the pregnancy, I would talk to our 3 year old son Levi about his little sister growing inside of mommy's tummy to help prepare him for this new transition. As my belly grew, so did his fascination with babies and I learned that he was up for the task of being "big brother."

Labor and Delivery: It was 3am on Wednesday morning of March 25th 2015, two days after my due date. I woke up thinking I was leaking amniotic fluid and ready to get this show on the road...but not in the middle of the night so I quickly went back to sleep thinking active labor would start soon enough.

Once I woke up around 6:30am, I called my midwife to see what I should do since I still thought I was leaking fluid. She told me to come into L&D and after relaying the information to my husband, we made the plans to go in. I started to get ready which included doing a bit of my makeup and making a few calls to the family. I got some laughs from my mother and grandmother when they heard I was doing my makeup rather than scrambling around trying to get out the door but I was determined to at least look half way decent this time around (my photos after having Levi were more than unflattering to say the least)! I figured I should stay as calm and relaxed as much as possible and this was a way to help. I then grabbed my bag which was already packed and headed out the door. See what I packed for the hospital in a recent post-here.

It was about 8am when we arrived to L&D as "GreyPa" and "Miss Lee" took our little Levi for the time being. My grandma also met us at the hospital once I checked into triage and my mother and mother-in law were getting ready to be on their way.

While in triage, they ran some tests on the "amniotic fluid" which turned out to be negative. (Also during this time, a woman came in and delivered in a split second in triage right across from me. Sudden screams and two pushes later, that baby was born!! It was amazing yet the last thing I wanted to hear as I laid there waiting for my midwife to come in). Once my midwife arrived and checked my progression, I was dissapointed to hear that I was still only dilated 2cm and 75% effaced (which I had been for a couple weeks now). The nurse told us we would be discharged and as my husband was getting us ready to head home, we were then told that they wanted to keep monitoring the baby's heart before we leave and get an ultrasound to make sure everything was OK. After getting the ultrasound and finding out that everything was OK there, we were told that our girl's heart activity wasn't doing so well and we needed to have her that day. My midwife told me that I needed to be induced and I broke down in tears. My heart sank. That was not part of "the plan" and I was terrified after hearing about Lyla's heart activity. I told my midwife that I did not want to be induced and she mentioned a few natural induction techniques rather than pitocin which I considered. Thankfully though, my body went into active labor all on its own and I was dilated to a 4 almost instantly (~11:30am). Thank you Jesus!

Now that I was in active labor, they admitted me and I was able to walk through my contractions but had to get monitored every half hour. Due to monitoring, this meant I had to go back to the room and lay in the bed for about a half hour-an hour as they watched over our little ones heart activity. It wasn't easy laying in bed during these times because all I wanted to do was move to soothe the pain. As each wave came and went, I would kick my feet and rotate my hips when I could as I breathed and prayed silently until I could get up and walk again.

It was about 4pm when the walking went from the outside gardens of the hospital to the immediate hallways of our delivery room. I held onto my husband's arm and buried my head in his shoulders as I breathed and prayed through my contractions which were becoming seemingly unbearable as I entered transition.

5:30pm my water broke as I was laying in bed being monitored once again. I was dilated to an 8.5 and quickly progressed.

5:57pm I was now dilated to 9.5cm and felt the urge to push. I've heard mothers say that pushing gives a sense of pain relief during the birthing of a child. I never understood that until now (with my son, it was a whole different experience). During this time though, I thought our little girl would never come out as I watched the clock after each strenuous push. She hadn't descended into the birth canal (she was at the -1 station) which meant a heck of a lot of pushing before we can notice any progress and I was exhausted! Since my husband and I decided to have our mothers in the delivery room this time around, I had my mother fanning me with a paper, my mother in law filming with two cameras at the head of the bed and my husband holding one of my legs up as they all gave words of encouragement. It felt like it took an army to get this baby out!

The clock kept ticking and I couldn't help but say and ask some peculiar things as I grew impatient and tired. Things like, "Can't you just pull her out?" "Do you have like a vacuum or something?" "Do you see anything yet?" and "This taking forever!" are just some words on the list with many exchanges too inappropriate for the blog. God's timing I had to remind myself.

About 45 minutes into pushing and with a whole lot of focus, I was able to finally reach "the point of no return" (the terms used by my midwife which meant she was crowning).

7:04pm it had been over an hour of pushing and our baby girl was born at 7lbs 6oz and 18inches long. She came into this world perfectly presented as one of the best gifts the Lord has given us. We cried and I let out sighs of relief as I kissed her on the head. I felt like I waited for her for years and I still can't believe she is finally here!

She is so incredibly loved by family and friends-especially her older brother who anticipates giving her kisses each morning as he wakes up and holding her hand many times before going to sleep.

I am so grateful to be your mommy Lyla Rose, my little honey girl.

Walking through early labor contractions in the hospital gardens.
I chowed down on Miguel's Jr. that my aunt brought me just hours before Lyla arrived. 
The grandmas about to be grandmas once again.
Daddy cried as he met his sweet little girl.
Levi meeting his little sister for the first time. He came in the room SO EXCITED! "Baby!" he shouted. 
He gave her a kiss and wanted to play with her tiny toes. He's still such a good brother.

Since this day, our lives will never be the same-once again. We are truly blessed to be mommy and daddy to our little ones and pray that they live purposeful lives filled with joy and adventure as they follow God's will.

Thank you for all the prayers and to all the friend's and family who came to visit at the hospital:
Mom, James, Momma Tiffany, Charlie, Grandma (Gma), "Grey Pa", "Miss Lee", Aunt Erin,  (Aunt) Kristin, (Uncle) Carltin, (Aunt) Chelsea, Aunt Tracy, Megan, Debra, Pastor Greg, Candace and Grandpa and Grandma Tate.


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