
Friday, August 2, 2013

That one time I saw my face in a pretty magazine

When I went to Elevate this past May, I knew it would be a great experience but I didn't know that it would lead to new friendships, bring me closer to the "blogging & handmade community" and that my face would be in one of the prettiest magazines!
When I saw Summer's Instagram post of the new Autumn issue of Artful Blogging, my heart got really excited! I mean, it isn't everyday that your experiences are captured (by Lora Knight-Thank You) and published to bookshelves. Well, not in my everyday life anyway. I'm no Angelina or Britney.
 A special Thank You to these lovely ladies who made this conference happen. Jen from Delightful Deets, Summer from Made by Munchies Mama and Nichole from Yeung Mother Hubbard.
Seriously looking forward to Elevate 2014 and seeing all the pretty ladies who attended in May along with new faces. If you are interested in attending a blogging conference-blogger or not-Elevate is perfect! We had so much fun with a craft, a service project, listening to inspirational speakers, eating YUMMY food and playing silly games. Read all about my experience here.
Would love to see you there!

1 comment:

  1. That's so awesome! That's one of my favorite magazines... EVER!! I love seeing so many familiar faces in it :)


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