
Friday, August 16, 2013

Coffee Date {friendships, fashion bloggers & branding} + a WINNER!!

Last week, I visited my friend Tara of Laila's Charming Pieces for a coffee date and play date. This week, she came to visit my home to catch up once more.
As soon as she told me she was coming over, I immediately started to brew some Folgers Morning Blend coffee because it's her favorite and when I tried it, it became my favorite as well. With some Peppermint Mocha creamer + Hazelnut creamer, we were set to chat.
What's your favorite coffee + creamer combo?
We talked about our ideas for upcoming items to add to our shops for the fall season including a new headband that we just photographed for Tara's shop. We also talked about the different difficulties we've had with figuring out our target market and branding ideas. 
It takes time and some experience to really understand and "know" your brand. Truth is, it may even change but feeling confident of your work is the first step.
Then, when I saw Tara's customized stamp she had bought for LCP, I told myself that I needed one too! Ha! That's my next shop purchase. ;) 
If you own a handmade shop/business, what difficulties and achievements have you had with branding? Was/is knowing your target market an obstacle? 
We went on to discuss our recent struggles with friendships and the changes that can come so suddenly after a friendship was thought to be so strong. It's funny how much time it can take to build a close relationship with someone but it can all be ruined so quickly. This past month was especially hard on me when it came to letting go of people that were once so near and dear to my heart. I realized that I need to just stop waiting for something that probably won't happen and let just let it be.
Forgiveness was also brought up and how hard it can be to completely forgive and cast unto the Lord. Prayer requests were exchanged and I'm so thankful that I have others to be prayer warriors for as well as for myself.
Have you ever struggled with letting go of friendships/relationships?

The funniest part about today was definitely when Tara was telling me about a recent post by The Life of Bon entitled "how to become a fashion blogger." The topics she named were HILARIOUS! So funny in fact that I had actually spewed some of my coffee out on the table from laughing so hard.
 Some of the things she listed were posing and taking photos in a crowd of people (they will think you are a celeb or model), pop your elbow or your knee (or both)-you'll look "legit" (See Tara below) and stick your head out as far as possible toward the lens-your head my look big but your waist will look oh so tiny. My fav? If all else fails, hide behind a big purse, a plant, or a dog.
Seriously, read this people!
Now, I'm no fashion blogger but I do enjoy reading a few of them. I can totally see how these laughable ideas were given. I don't know how they can style themselves super cute with a pair of heels just about EVERYDAY (I know you aren't really wearing those heels in the snow to run your daily errands) and take photos of themselves. I commend their efforts! It takes creativity and certainly motivation to pick out cute wardrobe all the time.
What are some of your favorite fashion blogs?

Last but not least, last week we posted a giveaway of a pretty beaded bracelet from my shop as well as some adorable crochet hearts handmade by Tara.
The winner has been chosen.
Congrats and Cheers to Courtney of Air Force Wife & Our Life!! 
Have a lovely day friends!


  1. Yay! I'm so excited I won! I miss my hangouts with Tara! Shes lots of fun to just sit around and talk with!!!

  2. Ok, I've opened the post in another tab and am about to read it! I'm sure it's hilarious, based on your post!!


It makes me really happy to read your comments. Leave some LOVE and have a sweet day! :)