
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A cute scalloped necklace + a glimpse into a busy future

I have some pretty creative friends! It's nice to share ideas with someone who just "gets" what you love to do and feed off of inspiration from one another. My friend Tara from Laila's Charming Pieces is one of those friends. See this super cute scalloped necklace? She crocheted this little baby and I adore it! She will be giving some of these away too! "Like" her Facebook page for all the details of her giveaways (a few are happening NOW) + other items she has available in her shop!

Want to know what else I adore? 2013! It's treating me pretty great I must say. I pulled out my calendar and I have some exciting events that I am attending including:

*a bridal show next month (more details soon to come)
*my first blog conference in May (Elevate!)
*planning a friend's baby shower at the end of May
*a craft show in Long Beach in June (Patchwork here I come!)
*a June wedding that I am helping to plan
*I'm planning and styling an event in August for a teen spokeswomen event
*My husband and I, along with some friends of ours, are planning for an Oregon trip around September
*& I'm praying that I can see NY by the end of the year

I also have some classes and courses that will be finished this year along with lots of new pretty items that I am happy to share soon!

I'm looking forward to many events and meeting new people these coming months! It's a great journey ahead!

How has 2013 been for you? Any exciting events this year?

1 comment:

  1. I love that look gorgeous! Sounds like '13 is gonna be a great year for you, little lady! :)


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