
Saturday, January 31, 2015

{Personal} Little Peek of Baby Girl's Nursery

I am still in the middle of getting the nursery all situated for our little Lyla Rose on the way. She's due in March so the nesting has ensued once again.

Since the little lady and our 3 year old son will be sharing a room (at least for now) I'm trying to figure out clever ways to make it suitable for both a boy and girl yet still keeping a way to decorate specifically for each child. So far, they have their own decor above each bed with Levi having an archery/nature theme and Lyla having an eclectic/floral theme. I've been working more on the wall above the crib and I just finished her floral mobile yesterday.

Here's just a little beginning peek of baby girl's nursery. More to come once the other projects are done. 

What are some of your favorite nursery decor/projects? Any ideas for a shared room?


  1. Love the mobile! The eclectic look is my fave~ it's what we did for Dean. One thing we have above Dean's crib is a picture his cousin made him. She drew a black and white picture because she learned that baby's eyes can be attracted to those colors and taped it next to Dean while he was sleeping at their house. It was the sweetest gesture so I framed it and now it hangs above his bed at home. Maybe have Levi draw her a picture to add to the wall? *^_^*

  2. That mobile is so pretty!! I think you did a fabulous job on the wall!! Congrats again on baby #2!!!


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