
Saturday, December 13, 2014

{Personal} Slow Down.

This season has been a busy one as I'm sure it's been for everyone else. Several penciled in days full of events, errands and things to do have taken over the norm. 
As much as I love seeing our family, friends and marking things off a list, it just feels amazing when you can take a step back and enjoy life in the moment.  
Relish in the last couple weeks of this season.
Linger in stillness a little while longer.

I've learned that when there is constantly something to do, miracles get missed and the smallest things in life get taken for granted.

This season is a hard season for many of us-especially in our family with the remembrance of many deeply loved ones. Slowing down to appreciate and be grateful for what we have, who we have and who has left meaningful impacts in our life truly is what matters most...not checking menial tasks off a list, making sure your holiday decor is just right, or spending our savings (or lack there of) and running up credit cards on things because that's what Christmas is all about

Find the raw beauty in life and let those that you love, know. Even in a messed up world, there is so much to be thankful for. 
Slow down.
24 weeks & 5 days.

"Be still and know that I am God..."
Psalm 26:10

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