
Thursday, June 12, 2014

A Little Announcement. CHANGE.

A little announcement.

I've decided to make a few changes. One being my branding, which I'm working on right now (a new look to the blog shall make it's way here soon) and another with my Instagram account. 

I've struggled with my space on Instagram for a while trying to find a balance with sharing my personal life mixed with my business/shop/creative side of my life. Since I feel like both sides don't quite resonate with my community, I've decided to create another account dedicated to sharing life behind Love Sparkle Pretty

On my new account, @Kayla.LSP I will be able to share life as a wife to an amazing man, momma to a crazy, lovable little boy as well as my faith, blessings and struggles. 

With this change, it gives me a bit more freedom without feeling selfish for posting about my creativity (because honestly, that has been weighing heavily). So, I ask that you also follow along with this "real, beautiful but somewhat crazy life"- @Kayla.LSP and I will keep my original @LoveSparklePretty space for inspiring creatives, photographers, brides, girls who like "pretty things" as well as shop related updates/sales, photo shoots and new pieces I'm working on.

Thank you to everyone for your love and support!! 

1 comment:

  1. I love following both of your accounts and so glad you finally added a personal account so I can follow along with a glimpse into your family life. Love you dear friend!


It makes me really happy to read your comments. Leave some LOVE and have a sweet day! :)