
Thursday, May 8, 2014

"Life is semisweet, for sure" (Gratitude + Being a Momma)

The other day, I woke up around 5:30am and as I lay in bed, I scrolled through my Instagram feed to help pull my sleepy eyes open. As I scrolled, I saw a photo of a beautiful little boy with big red curls and life exuding from his sweet little smile. Underneath his photo stated that the unthinkable had happened to him and prayers are much needed for his family. My heart stopped.

As I read about his story on Alissa Circle's blog, I immediately started sobbing in bed with what felt like a stab to my chest-where it hurts most. I couldn't fathom how the family of this 3 1/2 year old boy must feel at that moment and a wave of emotions covered me as I wanted to hold and squeeze my son for as long as I can-to hold onto his precious tiny body that won't ever be this small again.

I couldn't imagine losing a child. I prayed. I prayed for comfort and peace for Ryan's family as well as gratitude and thanksgiving for the time I have been given with my son. I want to be grateful every. single. day. for my son, my husband and my family and friends because truth is, the Lord may have a different plan and our loved ones may not be with us for as long as we desire.

Yesterday, I went outside for a bit of fresh air and sunlight and finished reading the book Ketchup is a Vegetable. I came across such enriching words and couldn't have said it better myself when it comes to being a little one's momma...

"Every moment counts.

Every child that is brought into this world is a miracle and gift from God...Every child that is born fills me full of hope. Hope that this world isn't the horrible place depicted on the evening news. Hope that if something so perfect can even exist, then there is good to be found in the world.

Every child is another opportunity for us to get things right, to raise our children with a respect for God and people and with a zest for life. Every day brings a new opportunity to love our children, to laugh with them, cry with them, and watch them grow. Every day with our children is an opportunity for us to learn from them, to hopefully replicate their easy acceptance of others and unconditional love for life. Every day there is an opportunity to let God use your children to sand off your own rough edges, making you more like them and ultimately more like Him.

It can be difficult to keep these things in perspective.

Life is semisweet, for sure. There is bitterness there, like medicine mixed in chocolate syrup, and it must be swallowed whole along with the moments that flood your heart with pure joy. We can laugh, or we can cry. The choice is yours. But if I had my time again-I'd do it all the same."

-Robin O'Bryant
Ketchup is a Vegetable and Other Lies Moms Tell Themselves

Hold your babies tight. Be thankful and love big-so big that regret doesn't follow because every moment counts and each day is not guaranteed.

Please keep the family of Ryan Cruz Saldana in your prayers and learn how you can help here.

"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted
    and saves those who are crushed in spirit."
Psalm 34:18

1 comment:

  1. Kayla, this was wonderful. As i'm sure you've seen I lost my baby boy a month ago (tomorrow) and this was very uplifting. Thank you


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