
Monday, February 17, 2014

{GIVEAWAY} As Darling Does handmade bow ties featured on our little man

A couple weeks ago, I received some ADORABLE happy mail from Kristen of As Darling Does. She sent me the cutest bow ties for our little man and since then, he has worn one at least 5 days of the week. I get so many questions on where they are from and today, I am so excited to announce that one lucky winner will have the chance to WIN $25 from this sweet handmade shop!! Not only does Kristen create bow ties for little dudes (finally, accessories for boys) but As Darling Does is also filled with really cool bibs, adorable hair bows for the little ladies and super soft blankets to cuddle!

I love putting bug in his bow ties and he doesn't seem to mind either! I followed him around a couple days as he wandered in the backyard (his favorite). He is such a nature baby. It's amazing to see the curiosity overflow from his tiny self. I wish I could see the world like he does-as innocent, facinating and new through his eyes. There's so much love and life that abounds through him. I want to hang onto and cherish these moments. The days are long but the years are short.

Little man's leather moccasins: Chubby Toes

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Didn't win? That's OK! Use the code "SPARKLE20" for 20% off your purchase at As Darling Does-a sweet handmade shop of accessories for your little ones! Click Here to see the cutest bow ties, headbands and baby blankets!


  1. OMG these are the cutest things ever!! I don't have any children, but R's sister is having a baby, so I would definitely buy her the Sandy Rose because it's adorable and sassy!

  2. Those ties are adorable! I'll have to keep these in mind for when my little guy gets older. *^_^*

    P.S. Am I still a "no-reply" blogger by chance? I tried messing with the settings and I can't seem to tell.

  3. Lovely in lace and Mad in Mint for sure! Could these get any more precious? My 8 month old niece needs these!

  4. I like the Mad about Mint the best!

  5. I'm so excited. Do I need to do anything if I won?

    1. Hi Kim! :) Did you get my email a few days ago?
      If not, email me at to receive your winnings!


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