
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

A bed jumping, box climbing, string cheese in carpet-kind of playdate.

Lately, I've had a whirlwind of choas with things to do-especially with this whole buying a house business. It was time for some mommy talk and a play date. 

Here's how it went.

Cracker crumbs. Bed jumping. Outside voices. Kisses. String cheese in carpet. Slide sliding. Box climbing. Tears. Laughter. Movie watching. Blue sunglasses. Gulps from sippies. Sharing and the lack of. Diaper changes. Hugs. Blanket sucking. Silly faces. Big messes. Happy children.


Here's just a teeny-tiny-itty-bitty peek of the afternoon.

It was such a good day to have some mommy time and see our little ones interact with one another. It has been a while since all 3 of them have had a play date but they have been little besties since birth. 
Here are the babes about a year ago. This makes my heart happy. :) Levi looks like a little yoda...LOL

Here's to motherhood and crazy, energetic, curious, loud, beautiful and healthy babies.

1 comment:

  1. Ohh Myy! My sweet little bald Laila!! I can't believe how much they have grown! And of course my kid is the one crying most of the play date.


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