
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Blooming Head BAND + Awesome Music BAND!

I just wanted to share some photos today of one of my head bands from the shop as well as share a great music band!
Head band + music band?!

These photos are fun because who can say that an awesome singer from an awesome band has rocked one of your creations at a show?
Kayla, from "Kayla and the Ghostmen"
wore one of the Blooming Headbands
from Love Sparkle Pretty beautifully!

You must check out their band right HERE.
Kayla's voice is truely amazing!
{Just Sayin'}
Here are some of my favorites:

Caught Up

When will the Sun Come

I was quite excited to see these photos and I hope you are quite excited to find some great music to add to your collection!
Photo credit:XMAN BEATS 777
{Have a BEAUTIFUL day!}


  1. The headband you made is so pretty! I wanted to let you know I have a my memories scrap booking software giveaway going on at my blog till June 8th you can enter here if you interested > Hope your having a great weekend!
    -Kayla :)


It makes me really happy to read your comments. Leave some LOVE and have a sweet day! :)